A Study of Wilton and RAAF Base Richmond for Civil Aviation Operations

In response to the Joint Study on aviation capacity in the Sydney region (the Joint Study), the former Government appointed experts to undertake a technical scoping study into Wilton's suitability as a second Sydney airport and to explore the use of RAAF Base Richmond for limited civil operations.

This work has now been completed.

On15 April 2014, the Australian Government announced that Badgerys Creek will be the site for a new airport for Western Sydney. Further details on this announcement can be found at TheAustralian Government's Sydney Aviation Strategy.

Technical Studies

  • WorleyParsons–Site identification & preliminary assessment of suitability, further assessment of Airport Development Options at Wilton PDF: 105638 KB
  • Booz & Company–Modelling of alternative airport sites PDF: 3553 KB
  • Ernst & Young–Economic and social analysis of potential airport sites PDF: 24805 KB
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers–Examining viability factors for a supplementary airport in the Sydney region–Airline and investor perspectives PDF: 2727 KB
  • Supplementary advice: WorleyParsons–Further analysis of Wilton for the effect of mining and mine subsidence on possible airport sitesPDF: 2258 KB